Seeing is NOT believing

Have you ever heard the saying “Seeing is believing?” I am certain that you have. What did it mean? What you see is truth maybe. Or if you can see it it must be real.

The Word of God tells us to walk by faith and not by sight. Yet many of us are led by what we see. I myself was trying to fit the beauty mode that the world said I should fit. I can tell you here and now that I stopped that mess. I was being lied too by the masses of hurt people who are in competition with each other and aren’t comfortable with themselves. I am now because I believe what 2 Corinthians 5:17 says. The NLT version says “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 

Bless Jesus. I don’t have to care about what I see. I am a mom of four beautiful bouncing boys! That six pack is doable but not going to be the death of me. And my 21 year old used van is getting us where we need to be. I have no need to keep up with the Jones’s nor Kardashian’s. Proverbs 31 says that beauty is fleeting but a woman who pleases the LORD shall be praised. 

Looks can be deceiving. Ambition can kill your spirit. Make your heart sick. And if you are not getting wisdom or understanding in all that getting then what is the use? Seeing is NOT believing because the lust of the eyes is just that lust. Lust is defined as a deep longing for something; addictive yearning. If that is ruling your life it can also ruin it.

Remember the Word says what good is it to gain the whole world and loose your soul!

Be blessed!

6 thoughts on “Seeing is NOT believing

  1. Woman of God!!! I thoroughly will meditate on this…that’s true, Seeing is Not Believing…Seeing is BLIND TRUST…that’s what Faith is we blindly trust God we don’t see he sees for us..We use his eyeglasses of the Mind to perceive with our Spiritual Senses….I receive this Word I’m following you as well!!! About to check out more material you wrote!!!

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  2. Wow a word! Instantly was captivated by the title alone, and definitely agree with the reasoning as it is from God’s book. Bless you sis ❤️

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      1. It’s funny too because I ended up coming across a recent situation where this principle is exactly what I need. Seeing with faith should be made clear but somehow we still choose when and when not to confidently believe in God. Thank you sis for your encouraging words, may He be given all the glory 🙏🏽

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